Deloitte upgrades its managed cybersecurity service with new modules

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Deloitte wants to help its corporate clients improve the security of their identity platforms and industrial hardware.
The firm, a member of the consulting industry’s exclusive Big Four club, plans to do that by adding two new modules to its MXDR cybersecurity service. Those modules are powered by software from two U.S.-based tech vendors, Claroty and CrowdStrike, that maintain partnerships with Deloitte.
Deloitte’s MXDR service is an outsourcing offering that allows companies to entrust practically all their core cybersecurity operations to the Big Four firm. The firm can scan a company’s servers for malware, remove that malware and keep a lookout for new cybersecurity issues on the horizon.
When an employee signs into a work application, their login credentials are not sent directly to that application. Instead, they first go to a program called an identity platform that checks the sign-in request is not malicious before allowing it through.
The first module Deloitte will add to MXDR is designed to defend companies’ identity platforms from hackers. The module is powered by software from CrowdStrike, a leading cybersecurity vendor whose technology Deloitte already uses to power parts of its MXDR service.
The other module is more sector-specific with respect to its focus. It’s designed to neutralize cyberattacks targeting industrial equipment, like the servers that coordinate the robots and other machines in a car plant.
This module is also powered by CrowdStrike software. Furthermore, it makes use of technology from another cybersecurity vendor called Claroty that specifically focuses on protecting industrial equipment.
The two new modules add more depth to what is an already comprehensive cybersecurity service.
Deloitte’s MXDR service is delivered by more than 3,000 cybersecurity professionals from different parts of the firm. Those professionals monitor client companies’ networks around the clock for data points that may suggest hackers have gained access.
“With this MXDR expansion, in collaboration with CrowdStrike and Claroty, Deloitte focuses on helping organizations take a more proactive defensive posture in their cyber programs—whether they choose to do so via the whole platform or use of just a few of our MXDR modules,” commented Emily Mossburg, Deloitte’s top cybersecurity executive.
Though it only launched last year, Deloitte’s MXDR service has already picked up several awards at the prestigious RSA cybersecurity industry gathering. The modules Deloitte is adding to the service will give cybersecurity buyers yet another reason to hire the firm instead of the numerous other consultancies that offer similar security outsourcing solutions.