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Accenture lands deal with Coca Cola partner

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Accenture has landed a large and unusually-structured consulting contract with a major player in Japan’s consumer packaged goods market.

Coca Cola Company, the corporation behind the brand, doesn’t manufacture its iconic soft drink in many of the markets where it operates. Instead, the company merely sources the ingredients and sells them to local partners that handle the manufacturing at their own facilities.

One such partner is Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Group, the company with which Accenture has landed its new consulting contract. The Tokyo-headquartered firm makes practically all the Coca-Cola bottles sold in Japan.

Accenture’s deal with Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Group centers on a new joint venture that will be set up in 2024. Accenture will have a 19% stake in the joint venture while Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan will own the rest.

As part of the deal, Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan will offload large parts of its IT department to the joint venture along with several other business units. Those units are responsible for procurement, sales and customer service tasks as well as certain other key backoffice processes.

Another focus for the joint venture will be helping Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan adopt analytics software to optimize its business operations. The company plans to ramp up its investments in analytics software to “provide higher quality products and services” as well as “identify future business opportunities.”

With that in mind, it’s not hard to see why Coca-Cola Bottles Japan choose Accenture as its partner in the project.

Accenture is the world’s largest IT consulting firm. It has partnerships with all the major analytics software vendors and has extensive experience with those vendors’ products.

If a company wants to make better use of its data but the leadership team is not sure how to approach the task, Accenture can help it choose among the numerous analytics tools out there.

The firm also offers other types of assistance with big data projects. It can set up and customize analytics software for a company, train the company’s employees in using the software and provide ongoing support. 

